Tuesday 26 January 2010

So I decided, with absence of a pensieve i would record a few of my thoughts and feelings on this piece of internet scripting technology.

I am not sure if anybody will see this and to be honest, i'm not overly bothered. That is something i have noticed that many people will not bother with anything unless it is prompted upon them and a lot of people won't make the effort, sometimes makes me wonder? I have never wrote things down before in this fashion, i thought about keeping a diary but then i took a reality check and rememberd i have a computer. Oh how the art of writting has been destroyed by technology, when was the last time you wrote a letter, i personally can't remember. Maybe if i keep this up my writting style may be improved, or maybe it wont who knows, time will tell. I think writting things down can really help, as i guess it is hard to see something until it is black and white right in front of you. I have been feeling quite down lately, and for reasons i dont't want to go into, nor feel are appropriate to broadcast to the world, i will not talk about them. But what i will say is life is full of lessons, its like one long school day and i guess by the end of it we will all have learned something, whether or not it's useful is another matter entirely.

So my life in a nutshell, i cannot complain. University is something i am indifferent about right now, i love history and when we do subjects that interest me i have a great time. Did you know President Kennedy didnt know their were nuclear missiles in turkey when criticising the Soviets placements of misslies in Cuba, he had to be reminded by an aide, made me smile. The workload is manageable, but my motivation is dwindling at most. I tell myself i won't leave essays until the last minute but will i ever learn, i doubt this. I can't complain about university but neither can i sing it's praises, it is something i do that is mildly enjoyable and often uninspiring. I am thankful though that i have the oppourtunity to be at uni and to be honest i am taking it for granted, maybe i will change my outlook sometime soon, who knows. January for me is always the worst of the months, after my birthday it takes a terrible plummet down a very steep hill, the weather is awful and i think it actually brings me down. I am all for winter and christmas, but enough is enough, bring me the weather when i can leave the house in shorts and t shirts without ice burns and i will be a notably happier boy.I'm not a boy anymore come to think of it, or even a teenager and that sucks but hey what is age really, a number, i feel young so heck, i am a boy and if you tell me otherwise i dont really care.

My friends are pretty special, i would like to raise this point. I really apreciate those around me and i feel rather lucky in that sense. Latetly i have come to realise this even more so. I have made new friends lately and many of which i feel i will be friends with for a long time as a decent friend is one of the most precious things we will ever have i believe. You may be sitting at your desk now and thinking 'is this guy some kind of bender', if you are thinking this i will kindly remind you these are my thoughts and oh yes, if you dont like it kindly press 'Alt' and 'F4' in combination and get on with your day. Those special friends of mine know who they are, good on you people. I like making friends and this world wouldn't be much fun without the people in it. Nor would this town by that matter. I am currently involved in something i love, and that is music. I am helping out with a band (http://www.myspace.com/derailedofficial), and yes i am advertising in my own personal thoughts, how comical. I enjoy the whole band culture and i'm glad to be getting involved. I am enjoying the music scene in general and have a lot of time for local bands, what a nice thing to be proud of the talent of the young people of my own town. I also have a lot of time for the Square lately, and seem to be drifting into its presence more often. I am proud of myself and Elliot for winning our DJ competition, a thought that just popped into my head. I look back on my life so far and the fond memories i can conjure in seconds makes me think so far i have lived well and will continue to do so.

The singing birds have just prompted me to talk about my disgusting sleep pattern, or lack of one. I am turning into a noctural beast, and years of staying up late is really getting to me although i wont change. I blame my need for interaction and my terrrible talent for staying up until ridiculous hours. This is something i will have to change soon, but i will live it up just a little longer i think. Although right now, sleep sounds about right so i feel it is time to enter the land of the dream, some may call it dreamland. I love to dream and when i am particularly tired i seem to have the most vivid and randomly insane dreams. I honestly think there is a corner of my brain that is put into overdrive when i am tired, it keeps me going but i'm not quite there, the lights are on but nobody is home. My dreams are often an explosion of the most random things i have ever known, and i usally remember them enough to smile about the next day. Maybe i will include some dream memories in future posts, if i remember any that is. Do you ever wonder about what dreams you have had but you have forgotten about in the morning, mind blowing.

If anybody does read this i will be surprised but if my thoughts interest you then go ahead and read them. I have a sore throat developing, one of the tiredness symptoms, never good. I have enjoyed this recording of ones thoughts, could get used to this. And hey what could be a more relevant read for me in years to come than my own life?

Until we meet again blog,
