Friday 21 May 2010

May has nearly come and gone. Wow!

Ok ok ok, so what i havn't updated this for liek what 3 months, i surely had much more important stuff on my mind and i was persuing a huge range of both engaging and beneficail activites....LOL jk. God i hate that stupid thing, Facebook really annoys me but i cant help but waste hours on that cursed site. I liken it to a form of digital heroin, thing is it's free and you can get a fix whenever you may fancy. It's like the perfect drug at that, totally legal and particularly for those hooked on its dirty younger brother, i call it 'Social-whore-oin', the craving for social interaction. I wont lie i am hooked on both, i like interacting with other human beings but maybe facebook isn't healthy for the young children of today. I feel that the spoken word may slowly be deteriorating due to online interaction, but hey what do i know.

Ok a recap of the last few months, what has been going on let me see....mmm amazing how i cant remeber much. I have been having a good time i guess with the motely crew, partying and what not as we do. University is going rather well and as I write I only have 2 exams left. I've had an intense 2 days of exams, two 3 hour powerhouses, both 9 am starts which i got up for a lot easier than i imagined i would. I have discovered that I really do enjoy getting up early, the world is such a better place early in the morning, it seems more peaceful, i think even the weather knows this as it is often glorious first thing! I may start training my body to get up early, I feel it will do me the world of good but i can;t help but think i wont keep it up. Maybe if i had stuff to get up for everyday then I would actually get up, i blame a relaxed university lifestyle for my downfall.

A random note to self, one which i have learnt over the last few months. All girls are crazy, absolutely crazy, utterly mad, psychotic may even be appropriate. Whats the deal with you girls eh? Ok rant over.

Mmm i'm going to be totally honest right now, i don't really want to write anymore i may watch some random videos on the internet until my eyes hurt because they have been staring at a screen for to long. The great thing about having no readers is there is nobody to complain. This being the case i am essentially talking to myself, making me as crazy as all the girls in the World. But alas nobody is reading this therfore it's not happening therefore i am not crazy. Wow i feel better.

Goodbye for now, see ya in 3 months.

BK Baracus.