Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Welcome to the new year...or something.
I believe this may well be overdue, as per usual. Well i knew this would happen, so technically i allowed the future to run its course, and turn into the present. Yup, here we are. I guess a lot has happened since I last posted. I must have slept close to 70 times since then, i must have eaten like 200 meals - it boggles the mind it really does. But yes i guess it is time for me to pick a coconut from the memory/coconut tree, smash it open and let you all try a little of it's delicious milky water.
So where did i leave off. I'd say Halloween as a guess, yup i'm going to go for that! November and December have literally flown by to be completely honest, like literally i had to check in, take on a bag of handluggage, choose my in-flight meal and enjoy the ride. The university front has been bleak, it always is this time of year. The motivation to get up and go in this bleary/depressing English winter really has tested me to my very core. And admittedly on several occasions i have given up fighting the good fight, and given in to the tempations of my foxy mistress, also know as my bed. My bed isn't even partcuarly amazing, it's mediocre at best, but boy oh boy how hard it is to leave! Anyone with a heavenly bed, i really do applaud you for being able to remove yourself from it - it's people like you who make this country! Talking of the winter, i really do hate it with a passion. I once had a mutual understanding with Jack Frost and his winter cronies but now we don't see eye to eye, he deleted me from Facebook and neither of us care. I am officially a summer lover, oh those beautiful days when everything just seems better. For example let us compare the winter and summer skies. In the winter the sky always seems so unhappy, so grey and miserable, whereas in the summer it seems jolly, so blue and just happy to be there! Even winter animals are more depressing. All i see in the winter is the ocasional depressed looking fox who seems as if it's just been served divorce papers and maybe the odd pigeon who just doesn't seem to be enjoying life. Compare this to the summer where my garden is like a scene from bambi, happy animals skipping back and forth, with badgers just stopping in the street to ask me how my day has been. Times change in the winter!
Ok to stray away from that slightly odd last paragraph, lets meet the matters at hand with an iron fist. Christmas and New Year were rather lovely this year to be honest. Christmas itself was lovely, it made me smile, not unlike this -> :). New Years was a great party, i got involved in the Camden vibes with a bunch of the chaps, and yeah we partied hard. Arriving home at 7.30 in the morning is a sure fire indicator of a good night, although it could also be a sure fire indicator for many other things, for example i could have fallen, hit my head, and woke up at 7.30, but hey! So the 'New Years Resolution', bit of a bullshit concept but what the heck. I guess this year i need to start SLEEPING, well at the right times at least, that would be wonderful. A bit rich coming from me as I'm writing this at 2.50am, what an idiot I am. I think general hard work by my part is a good one, as is giving the gym some love and attention. Pretty standard really. I also have a personal resolution which I will hopefully succeed in, fingers crossed, touch wood, two magpies,avoid walking under a ladder, keeping all mirrors intact ETC! If there's one thing time is good at,is telling, so yeah time will tell!
So what does the future hold for myself. Well in Eight (8) days, i shall be 21 years of age, scary really. That should be fun, birthdays always are kind of nice, they make me a feel a little bit special for that 24 hour window in which we can say, say 'Yes, today, was indeed, in years gone by, the day of, yeah you guessed it MY BIRTH' - or something like that. My 'Mardy Bums' night thingys are going pretty well, we shall see how these turn out too.Things are looking good, i have a bunch of wonderful people in my life and for this i am genuinely thankful. I believe I will let fate dictate my path of existence, if fate doesn't show it's pretty face i shall let flipping a coin decide, either that or one of those 8 Balls that you shake for a mysterious answer!
I feel my mediocre bed is calling me. Actually i feel slightly bad. Yes on the outside my bed doesn't look anything special, but it has been the vehicle for many enjoyable dream based journeys, so yeah my bed is special to me. Not unlike an ugly child who is still loved by its mother. I love my ugly bed.
I have every intention to keep this updated regularly, but in reality see you in 3 months.
From my brain to yours.
(Signed) Bobby Kalafi
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