Wednesday 3 February 2010

So Mr Blog we meet again. It is once again time for me to stick my fingers down my imaginary thorat and throw up some memories onto the page. Firstly i must say ,Wow'. This week has potenitally been the quickest week of my life. I know time is constant and doesn't speed up, but oh boy does it feel like it has! It has been pretty much a week since i last wrote anything on this little puppy, it only seems like a couple of days! So from where i left off, Friday part 1 was
a jovial affair as expected. A night out with the pals and i'm a happy man, the 'banter' is always first class and i feel i am a bit of a socialite whore. But hey until these social adventures bore me, let them eat cake or something along those lines.

University this week has been somewhat non-existant. I shall explain this in alls its glory, starting from the beggining. It all started on a rainy January i jest. The breaks on my car have been slowly dying and on monday evening they were lain to rest. With emergency break treatment needed i missed uni on tuesday and had a day of leisure to myself. Now the academics and forward thinkers among you would surely say, oh well you had a day to crack on with some work and it was no big deal. But no, the procrastination King over here didnt do anything of any real worth. A common theme within this blog, 'will i ever learn', no i doubt i will. But with shiny new breaks that do indeed stop my car from travelling in a direction i dont wish for it to be travelling in, i will be commuting to university tommorow and i will indeed be learning something about something in the past. That history ay, it's just one thing after the other (history boys ftw). Also tommorow is once again that magical day nestled inbetween Wednesday and Friday, ah yes Thursday, Friday part one, good times to be had. But enough of this, the last week and points of interest along the way. Friday saw me attend rehersal with the band , i was mighty impressed and i am still greatly enjoying the whole band thing. They are very talented and hopefully will do well. The studio was also rather impressive and it is now on my list of things to own when i am a millionaire: classy music studio yes please. The weekend pretty much rolled into one with cineworld being dominant as ever. Oh i bought a venus flytrap and this definatley deserves a mention. These plants are quite special and i hope mine survives this harsh winter as i have big plans in the summer, i am going to grow a monster. Any flies that think of coming into my house: think again. I dont know why i have a love for predatory beings, maybe i am sadistic at heart i hope not. I think it is the predatory instinct and blood lust that lays within mankind,oh how deep. Although i dont like seeing animals die, flies annoy me to the extent that i really don't care for them. I swear they play games with me and dive bomb me, maybe they know of my evil plans? Maybe in the summer i will amass a collection of predatory plants, yes, yes i will. Ok enough of my botanical aspirations, other points of interest in this week. Oh wow yes, i am so proud of this next one, it is going to get its own new paragraph....

....And here it is! On monday me and my runnign partner Smudge,ran an impressive 3.1 miles. This was our third week running and monday saw our longest distance yet. I really feel i am improving and although it nearly killed me, i feel great for it. I am proud of myself and of Smudge for keeping it up, and i really do hope we continue it and i have every intention to do so. I believe that my ability to run is all in the mind, i know what i am capable of now so hopefully i shall keep improving! Maybe if i tell myself that my aim is to do 5 miles, by the time i reach 3 my brain will think i am only halfway through and that i should be at my peak, although sadly i highly doubt this. I honestly cant't see how people can manage doing the marathon, 26 miles seems unthinkable right now but i guess it's all about training and improving. I would like to run the london marathon someday, but i think i would do it in some sort of novelty suit becuase then i have a more valid reason for failure, and i'm sure more fun will be had. Maybe in a few years i will go for it, maybe dressed as a giant hotdog or something as equally as ridiculous. Until that day comes i will continue with this blog entry. Now that the epic 3.1 mile run has had its time, i think the rest of my experiences shall continue in a new paragraph.

So what else do we have left. On Tuesday my love for noodle bar was only increased, my meal of yum yum KD prawns with noodles was just amazing. I love food so much its unreal, it is one of my great passions in life. This is quite definatley the reason for my porky frame, but i guess i am beyond caring. If i had to choose between being skinny or my love for food, i would choose food without a doubt. Oh yes food food food. The noodle bar is fantastic and all this talk of it has made me want one right now, curse you noodle bar and your delicious appeal! In a talk of fine food i cannot go without mentioning Nandos, that just wouldn't be fair. So yes Noodle Bar and Nandos, culinary heaven. I would really like to expand my culinary horizons, maybe i will arange some sort of resteraunt field trip. I would like to eat at Gordan Ramseys resteraunt, maybe i will make this my goal. I would like to eat at a lot of resteraunts to be honest, i am increasingly considering food critic as my career but i fear it may catapult me to whale like proportions.

I feel the time has come that i should go to my bed, sleep and dream. A yes my dreamlife has been quite speical lately. I cannot remeber them all but one i recall involved sirius black being my uncle, who i had to pretend not to know and mock imprison.But i think sirius was actually the scary murderer from the news, and he gave me tiny cubes of marajuana how very peculiar. Marajuana also featured in another dream of mine i think last night. Me and Lewis were flying home from Amsterdam and i was going to try and smuggle a few lumps back wrapped induvidually in blueroll, but i lost my nerve and threw them in the bin. I then talked to a police officer and he reccomended i smoked it in the designated smoking area as it would ease my fear of flying. I then returned to the bin and retrieved most of it, some of which was damp. I then proceeded to walk around the terminal to ask who would roll me a spliff, i remeber some old ladies kindly refused. I then found a guy who mocked me but then did it, he was posh and used some sort of tape to make the joint. Im not obsessed with weed it was just a strange coincidence. I look forward to my dreams as they are more entertaining than anything in real non-dream life could ever be!

My eyes are feeling heavy so i think it is time for this entry to end. I think a bunch of random words that come to my head are in need now: Star Trek, Brandon Flowers, Cheese,Michael Macintyre, Barry Manilow, Cherry cheesecake,keyboard,the letter f, barnacles, hitmonchan,nandos, glastonbury, bad robots, leeroy jenkins. Wow that was fun, just clearing my mind and seeing what random words spill out, i may make this a regular thing.

Thank you past Bobby for making this all possible, thank you present Bobby for writting this, and thank you fututre Bobby for doing the things that will be the subject of fututre blogs. Ha i am a weirdo and i love it.

Goodnight Moon.

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