Friday 19 March 2010

Wow I suck

So yeah, i kept regulalry updating my blog for like 2 weeks, wow i'm crap. But hey it has not been forgotten, nope here i am again. Maybe in this blog i will just spout some memories as and when they come to my head, hmmm.

As i write this i am once again experiencing some illness, some sort of head cold - it sucks. I swear my internal defences are weak, those damn forces. I'm not sure if its just me but i often imagine my immune system as a tiny army, i'm not sure why it just amuses me. Things would be so much more amusing that way, fighting off an infection bought to a whole new light. I believe in a cruel twist of fate the mild change in weather has cursed me with this cold. It all started when that fickle friend of mine the sun started shining enough to encourage me to clean my car, then BAM a chill hit me and now i am moping around dosing up on max strength cold and flu. I believe it is a course set forth in my life to be constantly battling against allergies and diseases destined for the nerds. Well sun, you either burn me or lure me into a false sense of security, you have some making up to do.

On the university front, things are going ok. Only one week until i break up for a glorious Easter, all that stands in my way is an essay on British people and whether or not they want to be private. It's a real interesting one and maybe i will post ot on here when i am done - or maybe not who knows. It's amazing how quickly a uni term will fly past and i am still taking the place for granted,the year is basically over as when we return after easter it's pretty much exams. The summer should be nice times, i am excited and have a lot of good times ahead i'm sure. I am looking forward to festivals oh yes i am, but thats a topic i could waffle on about all day long, i will save it for another time! Now let's bump this happy outlook down a little, i am very much missing people who aren't in my life right now but hey i'm sure life will find a way (Jurrasic Park quotations oh yes!)

Hmm, i am rather tired right now and although this has been a short update it was an update none the less. Oh yes it just came to mind, Deaf Havana are awesome, saw them at the square and they owned the place. Another thing - me and james are hoping to start some sort of promotions shindig, it would be great and i hope we can sort something out!


Until the next update (which will hopefully be a lot sooner),

Over and out.

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