Friday 22 October 2010

Ahoy there World.

Good day there weirdo.

Well i thought i would jot a few things down why not i hear myself subconsciously mutter. I believe my last jaunt i wrote about was Reading festival and all the tomfoolery along the way. Holy mother of window, i cant believe that was pretty much 2 months ago - time flies when you're existing. Well hey existing is a bit of a pessimist term i reckon, I'm living like alive things do. So let me climb to the highest diving board and jump straight into the memory pool.

I've been working pretty hard i guess in some sense, I've had a few jobs on the go, not only am i King of all things cinematic, i also make lawns look pretty and even screwed some walls together in the effort to convert a loft to something it once was not. I've had my work based finger in many pies this summer and I think it has broadened my horizons, challenged me but in all i think it gave me a healthy dose of reality. I also met some great new people, which is one of the things that I truly enjoy - this world is full of people and I'd meet them all if i had my way. Well not all of them, there is a fair few people I'd happily never meet. These include in no particular order: Margaret Thatcher, Axl Rose, Robert Mugabe, Christian Bale and the lady who dropped the cat in the wheelie bin. Also there are more. But hey, if there weren't wankers int he world who would we healthy vent our animosity towards i ask you?

Oh Halloween is on the way yeah it is, one of my favourite times of the year right here. Not 100% sure why but i just get this feeling, it's one of excitement coupled with child-like glee. I cant wait to dress up this year and party so hard with other ghouls and popular fear-figures. I think fear like many other things in life is addictive, i love a good scare - what a junkie i am. Talking of scares, I'm going to see the new Paranormal Activity film tonight, oh gosh I'm scared. Fun times ahead. I'd like to experience Halloween in America sometime, those Yanks sure take it to heart and i like that, why the devil not! (Devil pun, i like.)

Now for no other reason than me being very chilly, I'm going to cut(throat) this post short. Wow i love those Halloween puns yeah i do! I'm in 'grave' danger of catching a cold so i think this post has reached its demise. It has been lovely having you.

For the moment i'm as Happy as me in a candy shop. And that is quite happy. We'll see how it plays out but yeah. Things are looking up....up.....up...and away.

(Take scare. Oh ha ha.)

From the finger tips of Bobby Kalafi.

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