Sunday 27 March 2011

As was to be expected, this poor little blog has been left, neglected, cold and alone for months on end, but finally the moment has come for me to re-kindle the old flame. Actually I’m not only going to re-kindle the old flame, I’m going to cover this blog in petrol, strike a match, throw it in slow motion and fire this baby up on a whole new level. Ok in fairness I’m just going to write a blog post, but that previous passage made it seem so much more exciting. I will now dip my metaphorical quill in the pot of metaphorical memory flavoured ink and etch something beautiful into the metaphorical canvas located behind your eyeballs.

So where did I leave off. I believe I was discussing my birthday and all the joys that were to come with it that feeling of being King for a day, people giving me gifts like I was some sort of hero. It was nice. And in fairness it was amazing, my wonderful family and friends organised a surprise trip to Prague, which was amazing. A bunch of my favourite people in a badass, if not run down and seedy, city, and boy did we have a good time. We partied in some dirty Czech drink houses, trekked around the city and viewed some mind boggling architecture which I loved so very much. This trip will always be one of my fondest recollections, being there with my family and friends was so lovely, we had no cares just good times. That's what it's all about right. Getting offered midgets in suitcases, running away from fake undercover cops, just experiencing this Eastern European hotbed of culture, vice, seedy activities and resounding Soviet influence was special on many levels. The best thing was being there with all of the people closest to me. I enjoy the little things in life.

I really do enjoy the little things in life and I feel this deserves its on micro-paragraph. Regardless of anything, some of the smallest things in life (insert penis joke) can bring the most happiness in my opinion. Spending time with friends and family. Having a well deserved nap. Making someone smile. Getting a text that brightens your day. Beautiful. (End of micro-paragraph)

So let me take a little walk down memory lane and think what has happened in the last couple of months, I like memory lane, although every time I go there I get the craziest feeling of Déjà Vu, as if I’ve been there before. Oh and the parking is terrible. So let me see, I feel that my dissertation is worth a mention, the soul destroying project that stole hours of my time and Ten Thousand words I will never get back. Although I left it late I was rather proud of my effort, it's probably terrible but I enjoyed it! If anybody would like a copy don't hesitate to ask. The thing is i know for a fact nobody will ask for a copy, but if anyone has ever sat there and wondered how the perception of the Soviet Union changed in Britain from 1945-1950 (with direct reference to The Times Newspaper), then this is your lucky day. Now I kid myself that people actually read this, in reality these words will never reach anyone’s optical receptors (made that term up) so therefore in theory nothing really matters, I may asdwell staryt speling stuff wronhg, who cares, nobody readhs this! Now I’m subconsciously talking to myself, like some kind of weird schizophrenia with this blog as the middle man, better stop encase I get incarcerated....again. (joke). So yes, Dissertation polished off, uni is going as well as possible although my attendance is maybe nothing to celebrate. Work at cinehell is as monotonous as ever, although I could be worse off. This paragraph is boring me now, I want to delete it but I feel bad, poor words never done any harm to anyone. Boring.

Although this has probably been a rather boring blog session, it still feels nice to get pen to paper, well finger to keyboard. In my last post I talked about some stuff that was going well and how time, that crafty devil, would tell as he is prone to do. Well time did tell and if there is one thing that time told me it's this: You're an idiot. He looked me in the eyes and said 'Bobby, you're an idiot'. Fuck you time. Fuck you. I don't like to swear all that often but some people really rattle my cage, particularly time. I think Time would be an amazing fictional character to write about, Time is the only thing there has always been and always will be, until the end of Time that is, can time end? What is time? So many questions so little time. I've written the word 'time' so many times now it doesn't even look like a real word anymore. Time and time again. Good times!

Well I feel that the time has come to end this little session of memory extraction and self counselling, how very odd this will be to read back, I hope you enjoyed it. Funny thing is nobody reads this so it doesn't matter. If a tree falls in a forest with nobody around does it still make a noise? If a blog sits there not being read does it still, erm.....make a noise?

I need to start writing more, I need to write poems, I need to have more fun, I need to work harder, I need to work out harder, I need to be happier than I’ve ever been, I need to make people feel special and appreciated, I need to make people smile, I need to make people happy and I need to make myself happy. I need to make myself happier. I am happy, sad things happen but I am happy and I am thankful for the life I live.

But for now the main thing I need to do is stop chatting so much shit, end this blog and go to sleep!

Adios friends.

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