Wednesday 9 June 2010

We made history

Wednesday has to be the worst day of the week surely. What good ever comes from a Wednesday, i'm alsmost angry at this day, this stupid day. It doesn't hold any of the promise of a Monday, the first of the week, anythings possible, the foot of the mountain that will be your week,the start of a great adventure. Ok so then you have Tuesday, Monday has flown past and you find yourself in Tuesday, thinking hey this is going well, nearly half way through the unexciting part of the week, you can see the peak of the mountain in the distance, life is good. Then BAM, Wednesday comes and ruins it all. You reach the peak of the week and think, oh that wasn't so great, i imagine Wednesday is prone to rain in general, and misery. Wednesday's only purpose is that it was put there to ensure the innocent Tuesday or noble Thursday were not tainted by the pitfalls of the middle day. The only good thing about a Wednesday is that when it's over, it's no longer Wednesday. Fuck you Wednesday.

So here i am, ready to consume a litre of metaphorical epicac and throw up the contents of my fictious memory gland into this blog. So what's been happening in my little world. Let us see. University is now done and dusted for another year, wow it sure did fly by and I am happy really, let summer commence. The exams went by ok and although i hardly revised i think i did ok, key word in this sentence being 'think', but hey time will tell. I don't really want to talk about uni anymore to be honest, it's quite a monotonous subject and nothing particularly exciting will devleop from its discussion. So onto more pressing subjects, ones which i feel deserve a new paragraph as this one is so boring, it's so very boring i'm considering deleting it. After a brief moment i have decided not too, but i shall start that new paragraph.

BAM. Ok here we go. On sunday i went to the 'Rage Factor' gig at Finsbury park, the gig put on by Rage Against the Machine in return for their earning Christmas number one. What a great story that was, a big 'Fuck you' to Simon Cowell, regardless if he did profit X Factors Joe McGaydry or whatever his name was missed out on his precious Christmas number one, unlucky pal. The gig was awesome in general, also it being completely free was a bit cool, very much a rareity these days. We saw Gallows play, those absolute filth-pot punk fiends put on a great show, general aggression seems a trait of theirs, and they pull it off well. Oh also L'Mour La Morgue were dj'ing, i believe it is the guy from Lostprohets and a pal, they were really good and would like to see them again. They were dropping some dubbeats that were filthier than the average Germans internet browsing history. Filth. Gogol Bordello played before rage and they were quality, i have a lot of time for this band and their gypsy punk persona, made up of Russian/Ukrainian/Israely and who knows what else, they sure put on a show and i can't wait to catch them at Reading this summer, get my bounce on, oh yes. Rage themselves were on fire, not literally that would have been messy, but musically they were on fire. Such a good gig, getting involved in some pits with the Craig Meister, getting the shit knocked out of me and loving it. Pulling out the chainsaw move and cutting all sorts of shapes. What a great band and a great day. According to Rage we made history, i like to think we did to.

Mmm so what else has been going down. I have started a somewhat 'healthy living regime', wow that makes me sound like a health conscious Nazi. But yeah i am going to try and get into some degree of shape, who knows it if will work we shall see. I'm pretty excited for summer right now, Glastonbury is a mere 2 weeks away and will most definately be a blast, we have quite a little crew going this year which is going to be brilliant. I'M ON THE PARK STAGE. Poor Park Stage security guard doesnt know what's coming. After Glastonbury the beautiful Newquay awaits, 8 cheeky chaps in one retirement cottage, madness is sure to ensue. Then the little matter of Reading, maybe Sonisphere and God knows what other madness this summer. It's good to be alive. I am a happy lad right now, life is pretty neat,meeting some amazing new people and taking part in general fun activitys, SO MANY ACTIVITYS. If happiness was a baseball i just smashed it out of the stadium into the car park.

Well i think the time has come for this post to come to an end. I feel enlightened, reading through my own thoughts makes me realise how wonderful i am. I kid. But it is good fun and i reccomend you try it some time. Anyway the last boat leaving blog Island is ready to depart so i guess my time is up, time to set sail.

Peace and love blog people.


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